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Feedback on Rodney Hide

  • March 31st, 2009

Giving credit where it is due, Rodney is reported to be popular and effective with the surprised mainstream public service staff working with him. 

The most recent comment was " I’m almost glad I am not in his immediate team, though they’re having fun, because he’s so persuasive and such an effective user of the people that I fear I’d lose my objective judgment, which is what we’re supposed to provide".

I’m glad – because I think Rodney wondered how he’d go if he had to work within Ministerial disciplines. Caucus discipline chafed and he urged us at times to commit to remaining outside government.

If he can pull off his regulatory reform project and cut local government red tape and help get real RMA reform through he’ll more than repay the trust of voters who had to swallow to look past Dancing with the Stars.



I am waiting for Rodney to make a post-election statement on global warming/climate change.
I appreciate how delicate the position is, but Rodney needs to speak out and show that he is helping to move this government away from the economic disaster that looms in front of us…

  • peterquixote
  • April 14th, 2009
  • 5:41 pm

sweet jesus stephen,
we have waited since old yellow Palmer tooth invented the RMA, [ an Act to disable New Zealanders ] to remove it.
This is the way forward.
Hide has the ability to reform the entire RMA
Can we do climate later, anyway these dudes have the confidence of the Green party, on issues, everything has changed,

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