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Will our wine industry fade with the boomers?

  • March 30th, 2013

A BBC report highlights the two thirds decline in wine consumption per head in France over a few decades.
It projects the trend to continue with another halving. The report features the near ending of wine drinking among people under 30.
Rather like newspaper reading.
Does this portend temporariness for the revival in the fortunes (I will avoid saying spirits) of our vineyard owners?



They can count on me to prop them up for at least another 30 years (I hope).

Seriously though I thought our exports to Asia were growing rapidly. Their drinking tastes and habits may have more relevance.

  • peterquixote
  • April 2nd, 2013
  • 7:30 am

its looking tricky, my brother buys in Wine at $140 a bottle,very swish, but I can do it for $10.
Except for Easter of course,

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