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What sort of sadistic monsters made the charging decision anyway

  • November 17th, 2011

Thank you Forrie Millar J for your commonsense and decency in discharging without conviction the poor mother whose child drowned after being  left with her 12 year old, 11 year old, and 5 year old by the pool for a few minutes.

What possible interest can the state have in adding to the misery of a mother and family who have lost a child in those circumstances.

I'm concerned too for all the kids who are now over-mothered and never have the chances my generation  had to play in ponds and pools and creeks from toddlerhood . The price we pay for the safety fetish is enormous.

Not that they will care, but Water Safety New Zealand  will never get any favour from me. Their priggish support for the Police bringing of the charges is equally callous.

If only there was a party, or just one politician, standing in this election on a platform of confining the Police and the criminal law to pursuing and punishing people deliberately breaking the law.  If they could do that satisfactorily there might be some excuse for pouring resources into hunting the victims of accidental harm, but they are not.


  • Mark Hubbard
  • November 17th, 2011
  • 2:28 pm

Good piece. And there are many others along this theme that have me scratching my head as to why the police lawyers decided prosecute, such as:

1) Cornelius Arie Smith-Voorkamp, the autistic man who Chch police prosecuted for theft of two light-bulbs after the earthquakes. Indeed, this would have ended up disastrously for Ari if it had not been for TV1's Sunday keeping the pressure on police lawyers to see sense. And it was obvious, to me, anyway, after seeing the first five minutes of his interview on Sunday that proceeding against him was totally inappropriate. To my knowledge the Police lawyers have never explained their stance.

2) And I also include in this field some of the notable euthanasia cases, especially the last case against Dr Sean Davidson, although this is more up to the politicians to give us compassionate policy – and I consider euthanasia every bit as urgent and large an issue as any other issue I can think of.

  • thas
  • November 17th, 2011
  • 3:41 pm

Most likely not sadistic monsters, but bloodless bureaucrats more interested in easy prosecutions and jobsworths' pensions.

  • Kiwiwit
  • November 17th, 2011
  • 4:04 pm

The police and Crown prosecution service in this country invariably exercise any discretion they have in favour of proceeding with prosecution. This is just the latest in a series of unjust and unjustified prosecutions.

  • Paranormal
  • November 21st, 2011
  • 1:12 pm

Surely this can't be so?  Annette "full moon" King assured us all that Police use their discretion before bringing charges….

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